Patient Testimonials

  • "Andrea was the only person who got to the root cause of my pain"

    I am so grateful for Andrea and Bold Move PT! I felt comfortable with Andrea from the moment I walked in the door. She is an amazing listener and huge advocate for her patients.

    I had been experiencing chronic low back and glute pain for close to a year that had really affected my quality of life. I saw several different doctors and therapists, but Andrea was the only person who got to the root cause of my pain and fixed problems I didn’t even know I had.

    My experience at Bold Move PT has been eye opening. In addition to finding relief for the constant discomfort I had been experiencing, I’ve learned so much about my body in the weeks that I have been working with Andrea. Every woman should see a pelvic floor physical therapist in general, but Andrea specifically!

    -Hannah, 34

  • "She is the best in the area!"

    “Andrea is simply amazing! She’s helped me so much in the last two months of being postpartum to get back on track, and I really appreciate it. She’s a positive and caring person who wants to help you become the best version of yourself. I would highly recommend her as she is the best in the area! She has a way of making you feel comfortable and truly cares about her patients, which is hard to find.”

    -Sarah, 40

  • "Game Changer!"

    “Game changer! Best referral ever. For 30 years, I consulted urologists, OBGYNs, and PCPs who made suggestions, prescribed medications, and even performed surgery on me. None of this relieved my pelvic, urinary, or back pain.

    From the first day of Andrea’s instruction my pain improved, and I can honestly say that I am without discomfort or pain 90% of the time.

    I highly recommend anyone experiencing pelvic discomfort, interstitial cystitis, urinary urgency or low back pain implement her methods into your routine.”

    -Beth, 65

  • "After one week, my leakage decreased, and pelvic pain lessened"

    “I’m a 65-year-old woman who had leakage and vaginal pain. Dr. Andrea helped me immensely.

    Before going to Dr. Andrea, I could not lift a bag of groceries, my grandchild, or anything remotely heavy. I could even just be standing and talking to someone; I would feel my pelvic floor muscles relaxing, which would lead to leakage. I went to my gynecologist and was told that this was “normal” for post-menopausal women. I went so far as looking into extra padded panties, all the time thinking that this was not right. There must be something better.

    I went to Dr. Andrea’s workshop, where she described my symptoms and explained that they could be corrected. After this, I signed up for PT sessions. After one week, my leakage greatly decreased, and pelvic pain had lessened. Three months later, the vaginal pain was gone, along with the leakage. Ladies, leakage and vaginal pain is not normal, nor it is acceptable.

    I highly recommend going to see Dr. Andrea; she can help you with this!

    -Debbie, 65

  • "Finally... After Years of Getting Nowhere"

    “I am extremely grateful to have been working with Andrea. She explains EVERYTHING, which is super helpful. I have finally felt the benefits of understanding and engaging my core muscles after years of trying and getting nowhere. Many thanks!”

    -Ruth, 70

  • "she works wonders"

    “Before going to her, I had a lot of pelvic floor pain. When my OBGYN referred me, she said she works wonders and had heard amazing things. Well, She had heard correctly. After going to Andrea, I have been able to do every day things without pain.”

    -Lisa, 35

  • "She provides amazing one-on-one services"

    “I highly suggest working with Andrea. She provides amazing one-on-one services and actually gives you the support you need. She reassesses you every time she sees you and bases your regimen on how your body feels and what you need that day. I couldn’t be happier with her care!”

    -Toni, 45

  • "No cookie cutter protocols"

    “Andrea is absolutely incredible. She’s so passionate about helping others, and you immediately feel that after just a few minutes of talking to her. Andrea takes her time, truly listens to her patients, and uses her wealth of knowledge to tailor your regimen to exactly what your body needs to heal/feel better – No cookie cutter protocols here! You can feel confident that you’re in the very best of hands with her.”

    -Jess, 34

  • "I'm glad I went out of my comfort zone"

    “I had been dealing with stress incontinence for a while and didn’t know how to seek help. I always felt like I shouldn’t have this issue as I’ve never had children, and swept it under the carpet. She was great. From making you comfortable, teaching you exercises, and even teaching good bathroom habits. I’m glad I went out of my comfort zone and sought her help. It did not take long before we were about to cure my issues and not feel like I have to run to the bathroom all the time. I cannot say enough good things about Andrea, both as a PT and as a person.”

    -Amanda, 40

  • "Say yes to working with her"

    “I’m so grateful that I finally listened to my body about needing physical therapy, and that I found Dr. Andrea. She’s knowledgeable, professional, compassionate, and caring in how she treats her patients. I highly recommend you say yes to working with her, because you deserve to live a life that is pain-free and be treated with respect and dignity. If I or my family members ever need physical therapy in the future, I am immediately contacting Dr. Andrea.”

    -Sarah, 37

  • "I highly recommend her"

    “I started working with Dr. Andrea Newland last year. Not only did she identify my exact issue, she was extremely knowledgeable about my condition and knew exactly how to help me. Her patience and ability to make me feel so comfortable during my time with her made all the difference in my healing. I highly recommend her!”

    -Linda, 54

  • "Listens to you"

    “Andrea is an incredible Physical Therapist. She has helped me on two separate occasions, once for knee pain and once for shoulder pain. Andrea is very knowledgeable, professional , and listens to you and your symptoms to produce the best therapy possible for your needs. She does not use a cookie cutter approach. She provides one-on-one care and gives you the time that you need to become pain free. As a bonus she is just a fun person to work with!!!”

    -Bette, 54

  • "It has made a huge difference!"

    “After having my daughter, I was referred to Andrea for pelvic floor therapy. During my time with her, I learned SO much when it comes to engaging my pelvic area, breath, and proper form while exercising. It has made a huge difference! I am so grateful! Thank you for answering all of my questions and helping me feel better again!”

    -Morgan, 28

  • "I truly left every visit feeling better"

    “I had a spinal fusion surgery and went to Andrea post-op to figure out the best ways to move and lift in daily life, as well as relieve the pain that I was still feeling. Right from the very first visit, Andrea made sure I walked away feeling better than when I walked in. She made sure I understood the muscles in each problem area, why I was in pain, and why it felt better after certain exercises. She continued to work with me to figure out how to relieve every ache and pain I had. I truly left every visit feeling better. Andrea quickly had a resolution for every type of pain I felt and was very easy to talk to. Thank you, Andrea!”

    -Katie, 29

  • "Life changing"

    “Life changing. Andrea has a lot of knowledge an is very effective in her approach to wellness.”

    -Debbie, 56

  • "She has helped me to feel "normal" again"

    “I have experienced Andrea’s encouragement many times throughout my journey of working on my pelvic floor. She has helped me to not be in so much pain, and has helped me to feel “normal,” again. Andrea is amazing because she actually listens, and helps my muscles to work with me. I appreciate all of the time and effort that she puts into treatment.”

    -Destiny, 20