Not sure if Bold Move can help you or don’t see your specific issues or symptoms listed? Give us a call or send a message, we would be happy to answer any questions about your specific case and how Bold Move can help you!

Abdominal Pain & Bloating

Coccydynia - Tailbone Pain


Diastasis Recti

Dyspareunia - Painful Sex


Incontinence - Urinary & Fecal

Interstitial Cystitis - Painful Bladder Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Genital & Pelvic Pain

Musculoskeletal Pain - Low Back, Hip

Pelvic Organ Prolapse - Uterine, Bladder, Bowel

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome-Related Pain

Post-Operative Hip, Abdominal, & Gynecological Procedures

Prenatal & Postpartum

Pubic Symphysis Pain

Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction

Urinary Frequency & Urgency

Vulvodynia & Vestibulitis

How to Get Started

Contact us to schedule a free 15-minute consulation call. 

Please note that all physical therapy services require a referral from a medical doctor (Primary Care, OBGYN, Urologist, Midewife, etc.). Referrals/prescriptions for physical therapy can be obatined by calling/visiting your medical provider.

Please request that they print a physical copy, or fax the referral to (315)766-2193.